Help & Support
Issue accessing the Accelerant platform?
If you are experiencing an issue not listed here, please log a support ticket via the login page.
I have not received an invite email to join the Accelerant Platform
HTTP ERROR 401 – Authorization Required
HTTP ERROR 403 – Restricted Access
HTTP ERROR 404 – This page could not be found
HTTP ERROR 500 – This page isn’t working
Account has been locked out
Invite has expired
Troubleshooting steps
Your Organisation Admin or Accelerant Relationship manager will send you an invite to join the Accelerant Platform. If you have been invited but not received an email, check your spam folder for the invite email.
Ensure you are using the correct email account when attempting to login. Confirm with your Member Director that they have invited you to the Accelerant platform. If the issue persists, contact the Help Team.
You do not have permission to view this page. Contact the Help Team to ensure that you have the correct permissions to view this page.
The page has been removed. Contact the Help Team. if you still require access to investigate why the page has been removed.
There is an error connecting to the server. The platform health is monitored on the status page. The Accelerant team will be proactively working to resolve the issue and the status page will provide an estimated time for resolution. If the issue persists or is not reported on the status page, contact the Help Team.
Your account will be locked out in the event of your password being entered incorrectly after several attempts. Wait 30 minutes before re-attempting login. If the issue persists, contact the Help Team.
Invites expire after 7 calendar days from the date the invite email is sent. If this has passed To request a new invite token, contact your Organisation Admin or your Accelerant Relationship Manager.
Reset/forgot password
Return to the Accelerant Platform login screen. Enter your email address and select continue. This will redirect to the page below. Select ‘Forgot your password?’. Follow the instructions to reset your password. If the issue persists, open a support ticket.
– Return to the Accelerant Platform login screen.
– Enter your email address and select continue.
– This will redirect to the page below. Select ‘Forgot your password?’. Follow the instructions to reset your password.