Synthetic Captives

Powered by Accelerant

Synthetic Captives allow Members, their distribution partners, and insureds to participate in risk in new and innovative ways.

The power of captives

Accelerant delivers all the benefits and experiences of being in a captive, virtually.

Utilizing Accelerant Risk Exchange, Synthetic Captives are created through insurance contracts and agreements. This approach enables Accelerant to create Synthetic Captives instantly, emulate the same economic benefits of a traditional captive, and lower the barrier of entry for new risk-takers.

The Accelerant advantage


  • No incorporation
  • No capitalization
  • No additional due diligence
  • Instant launch


  • Consolidated service provider model
  • Economies of scale
  • No financials, audits, or legal fees
  • Delegated Authority

Now supporting

Single-Parent (Single-Insured)


MGA/Agency/Association (Third-Party Risk)