Current Opportunities in Captives

The captive insurance industry is evolving rapidly and is on track to reach a projected $250 billion global market value by 2028, according to Risk Management Magazine. The current insurance market — one of the most challenging in decades — presents an opportunity for companies to explore captive insurance arrangements. In this blog, we want … Read more

Ask The Expert: Joshua Kalmikoff, Member Relationship Director and Captive Insurance Wizard 

Joshua Kalmikoff has been in specialty insurance for over 15 years. He brings a unique vantage point at the intersection of captives and programs from his experience working in the lenders division for Arch Insurance, where he did captive arrangements in the warranty and service contract space. After his time with a carrier, he developed … Read more

Member Spotlight: ICW shares their keys to brand differentiation and success

ICW Group (ICW), which has been working with Accelerant for just over four years, is now one of the UK’s leading providers of building warranties and control services. ICW is composed of three divisions including ICW Insurance Services; ICW Technical Services (which is a chartered surveying company registered with the RICS); and ICW Building Control … Read more

Ask the Experts: Kenny Holms, Chief Decision Scientist and Robert Hooley, Head of Machine Learning

As Chief Decision Scientist, Kenny Holms has led Accelerant’s work with data science, AI/ML, and advanced analytics for three years. Alongside him works Robert Hooley, Accelerant’s Head of Machine Learning. We spoke to them about Accelerant’s AI and Machine Learning function to share insights on the initiatives the team is developing and the role of … Read more

Ask the Expert: Adam Masojada, Accelerant’s Head of Customer Experience

When Adam Masojada joined Accelerant in September 2022, he pioneered the role, Head of Customer Experience. He joined Accelerant because he was inspired by the potential of its Risk Exchange to change the specialty insurance market by better connecting capacity to specialty underwriters. Adam appreciated the opportunity to enable agile entrepreneurs and small business owners … Read more

Member Spotlight: Ventis – A Breath of Fresh Air in UK Commercial and Residential Real Estate Insurance

The vision for Ventis began in 2023 with the goal of bringing better broker support and stellar customer service to the UK real estate insurance market. Ventis underwrites a broad range of SME and mid-sized property risks, focusing on the risks often overlooked by larger insurers. “I started Ventis not to reinvent the wheel but … Read more

Tech & Product Blog Series:  Aaron Temples, Chief Analytics Officer

After three years as Accelerant’s U.S. Chief Actuary, Aaron Temples is now Chief Analytics Officer of the Accelerant Risk Exchange. Prior to Accelerant, Aaron spent 15 years leading actuarial functions at Axis Insurance and 8 years as an Actuarial Consultant. At Accelerant, Aaron’s team provides actuarial and analytics support to Members, Risk Exchange insurers, and … Read more

Member Story: How Accelerant’s Speed and Partnership Helped Rokstone Scale in a Niche Specialty 

Rokstone is a London-based MGA that writes business globally. It first began as a retail agency in London in the 90s and has now been doing underwriting for about 15 years, expanding to the U.S. in 2018. Eric Conklin oversees Rokstone Agriculture, which kicked off in July 2021 as their second U.S.-based team and joined … Read more